Open Bible Christian School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available in the administration of its educational policies, athletics and other administered programs.
The following information must be submitted before the admission committee can make a final decision on acceptance:
1. A signed, completed application form.
2. A copy of the most recent report card(s) or school transcript(s) including achievement test results (two or three years are preferred).
3. A state certified copy of the child's birth certificate.
4. A copy of Georgia immunization form #3231.
5. An interview with parent(s) and student(s) with the Principal (for grades 1 thru 12) or the Pre-School Director (for K3 thru K5).
All parents who enroll their child in Open Bible Christian School are required to sign the Statement of Cooperation, located on the enrollment form, indicating to the school their willingness to support the school in all endeavors. Should there come a time that the support of the parent can no longer be given, then we would require the parent to withdraw their child(ren) from the school.